Mind & Body
I’m sure we all have be asked or told to see a Psychiatrist? I’ve heard some even worse saying that CCI is just a buzz word, that it doesn’t cause dizziness. Shame is the only word that comes to mind, not even having the conscience to ensure it’s not something Physical or Infectious.
What I am presenting here is 2 things and I want to you breathe and please consider:
1. Is what I have REALLY CCI?
2. If it is CCI – What part of my Symptoms are of CCI and which are part of my fear of?
I’m going to teach you something that may be new to you, which literally can SAVE YOUR LIFE!
There are sadly Neurosurgeons who will fuse you simply because your Quality of Life is Terrible! and you happen to have some measurements (Morphometric) that are near or in the pathological range.
What you’ll learn here:
1. Truth about Morphometrics
2. Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS)
3. Neuro-Circuit Dizziness (NCD)
4. How all the Acronyms of CFS, PPPD, ME and the rest of the Alphabet are all related!
What is Wrong with Me?

Overlapping symptoms – Here I compare symptoms of Benzo WD, CCI, CSF Leak, Burnout, PTSD, (I’ll make a video on this)
Morphometrics – (Measurements)
Although measurements hold some value, yet measrements alone never warrant surgery.
When one’s quality of life is poor, all a surgeon needs is a measrement to opt you as a candidate for surgery.
Video – Left will compare some healhty MRI’s to Symptomatic patients.

Tention Myositis Syndrome, Neurocircuit Dizziness.

You may have heard of syndromes such as PPPD, ME, CFS, PTSD, Burnout and others.
What is less knows is TMS or NCD and when you get down to it, these are at the helm of all the above.
In the world of syndromes anyone can take a list of symptoms, box them up and stamp a fancy acronym.
Video – Left will be about all the syndromes and their relationships. How TMS / NCD are key diagnosis.
Let’s Talk Psychological
Whether it’s CCI or Not – It’s is VERY IMPERATVE to gain mental control and full resilience.